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HomeSportWhich pitchers have the most career strikeouts for every MLB franchise?

Which pitchers have the most career strikeouts for every MLB franchise?

by News7

As is the case with most sports, offensive exploits in baseball tend to get more publicity than defensive ones. But that’s not to say run prevention can’t be entertaining. For me, personally, the most entertaining baseball games are tight pitcher’s duels, and watching a pitcher at the top of his game just blowing hitters away is incredibly enjoyable. With that in mind, let’s look at the pitcher who has logged the most career punchouts for every MLB team.

Justin Mears is a freelance sports writer from Long Beach Island, NJ. Enjoys being frustrated by the Mets and Cowboys, reading Linwood Barclay novels, and being yelled at by his toddler son. Follow him on twitter @justinwmears. 

Source : YardBarker

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