In these days preceding the Lunar New Year, the Chinese district in the historic center of Rangoun, in Burma, is black of people: it is necessary to advance a passage between the stalls of fruit, donuts and crickets coated with sauce salty. To the strident flights of a singer in scarlet outfit who agitated on a platform is added the roar of the generators placed on the sidewalks. Further on, a photographer lights up with his torch a young girl in shorts who poses in the 19th street, the “rue des Bars”. Young revelers hold the pavement, agglutinated on stools around folding tables in front of Cleopatra, Damn and Rangoon Mule, the most popular brands. To see these pockets of hyperactivity which animate Rangoun until late at night, we can only note that a certain frenzy has taken hold of the largest city in the country (six million inhabitants). However, the economy is down ( – 1 % between March 2024 and March 2025 according to the World Bank), galloping inflation, and tourists, Chinese or other, are extremely rare. Four years ago, on February 1, 2021, the army coup on the eve of the nomination of a new democratic government led by the National League for Democracy (LND), the AUng Party San Suu Kyi, had occasionally took place during the Cavid-19 pandemic. In the following weeks, the Burmese youth, Rangoun in the lead, revolted. In response, the army had started to shoot. At the end of the month of March 2021, 400 people lost their lives. At the end of April, the record reached 600 dead. Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers in Burma, the repression of demonstrations against the military coup takes a bloody turn read later you have 85.45% of this article to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.
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In Rangoun, anxious and frantic city where “everything looks normal, but where everything is abnormal”