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Business advice from construction pros

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Business advice from construction pros

An article from

From time management and negotiation skills to maintaining a steady backlog, Construction Dive contributors analyzed a broad range of issues this year.

Published Dec. 12, 2024

Fulton Cure, John Livingston, Chad Prinkey, Matt Verderamo

AscentXmedia via Getty Images

Every construction pro knows that the most critical part of a project comes down to what happens on the jobsite. Nevertheless, the work that goes on in the back office and behind the scenes plays more than just a supporting role.

Items like dealing with emails, making sure employees are happy and the art of negotiation can make or break a construction firm. These were the types of topics that Construction Dive’s contributors wrote about this year.

This roundup of their opinion pieces details what goes into running a successful contracting business.

Source : ConstructionDive

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