LETTER FROM NEW DELHI The coffers of Himachal Pradesh are empty. This Himalayan state in northern India, heavily in debt and weakened by the damage of the last monsoon, is struggling to pay its civil servants. But his government, led since 2022 by the Congress Party, the main opposition party nationally, hopes to have found the solution to its financial problems. In September, he approved the principle of legalizing the cultivation of cannabis for medicinal, scientific and industrial purposes. Until now, Himachal Pradesh was famous for its apple crops. A commission of experts had previously concluded that hemp cultivation could provide significant income for the State, of the order of 5 billion rupees per year (56 million euros) and offer jobs for inhabitants, emphasizing the qualities of a plant requiring little water, resistant to animal damage and largely free of disease. It is an indigenous plant that grows wild in the foothills of the Himalayas and in the plains. The minister responsible for the matter, Jagat Singh Negi, assures that “this initiative is not aimed at encouraging drug consumption, but at exploiting cannabis for industrial and medicinal purposes in a regulated and beneficial manner”. Hemp will contain less than 0.3% THC, negligible levels. The Department of Agriculture and Horticulture must develop seed banks with experts. The expected outlets are numerous: food, textiles, paper, construction materials, furniture, cosmetics, biofuels and health products. Neighboring state Uttarakhand was the first in India to allow controlled commercial cultivation of the plant in 2017, followed by some districts in Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. The hemp and CBD products industry is booming, with dozens of companies springing up across the country. There are now a variety of products sold purporting to soothe pain, stress, insomnia and eczema. Companies have also specialized in the manufacture of organic and antibacterial clothing from hemp, which is more ecological than cotton, which uses a lot of water. You have 59.91% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.
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In India, a Himalayan state authorizes the cultivation of cannabis to replenish its coffers