As the rush toward AI in healthcare continues, explainability is crucial

Artificial intelligence is seeing a massive amount of interest in healthcare, with scores of hospitals and health systems already have deployed the technology – more often than not on the administrative side – to great success.

But success with AI in the healthcare setting – especially on the clinical side – can’t happen without addressing the growing concerns around models’ transparency and explainability. 

In a field where decisions can mean life or death, being able to understand and trust AI decisions isn’t just a technical need – it’s an ethical must.

Neeraj Mainkar is vice president of software engineering and advanced technology at Proprio, which develops immersive tools for surgeons. He has considerable expertise in applying algorithms in healthcare. Healthcare IT News spoke with him to discuss explainability, and the need for patient safety and trust, error identification, regulatory compliance and ethical standards in AI.

Q. What does explainability mean in the realm of artificial intelligence?

A. Explainability refers to the ability to understand and clearly articulate how an AI model arrives at a particular decision. In simpler AI models, such as decision trees, this process is relatively straightforward because the decision paths can be easily traced and interpreted.

However, as we move into the realm of complex deep learning models, which consist of numerous layers and intricate neural networks, the challenge of understanding the decision-making process becomes significantly more difficult.

Deep learning models operate with a vast number of parameters and complex architectures, making it nearly impossible to trace their decision paths directly. Reverse engineering these models or examining specific issues within the code is exceedingly challenging.

When a prediction does not align with expectations, pinpointing the exact reason for this discrepancy is difficult due to the model’s complexity. This lack of transparency means even the creators of these models can struggle to fully explain their behavior or outputs.

The opacity of complex AI systems presents significant challenges, especially in fields like healthcare, where understanding the rationale behind a decision is critical. As AI continues to integrate further into our lives, the demand for explainable AI is growing. Explainable AI aims to make AI models more interpretable and transparent, ensuring their decision-making processes can be understood and trusted.

Q. What are the technical and ethical implications of AI explainability?

A. Striving for explainability has both technical and ethical implications to consider. On the technical side, simplifying models to enhance explainability can reduce performance, but this also can help AI engineers with debugging and improving algorithms by giving them a clear understanding of the origins of its outputs.

Ethically, explainability helps to identify biases within AI models and promote fairness in treatment, eliminating discrimination against smaller, less represented groups. Explainable AI also ensures end users understand how decisions are made while protecting sensitive information, keeping in line with HIPAA.

Q. Please discuss error identification as it relates to explainability.

A. Explainability is an important component of effective identification and correction of errors in AI systems. The ability to understand and interpret how an AI model reaches its decisions or outputs is necessary to pinpoint and rectify errors effectively.

By tracing decision paths, we can determine where the model might have gone wrong, allowing us to understand the “why” behind an incorrect prediction. This understanding is critical for making the necessary adjustments to improve the model.

Continuous improvement of AI models heavily depends on understanding their failures. In healthcare, where patient safety is of utmost importance, the ability to debug and refine models quickly and accurately is vital.

Q. Please elaborate on regulatory compliance regarding explainability.

A. Healthcare is a highly regulated industry with stringent standards and guidelines that AI systems must meet to ensure safety, efficacy and ethical use. Explainability is important for achieving compliance, as it addresses several key requirements, including:

Transparency. Explainability ensures every decision made by the AI can be traced back and understood. This transparency is needed for maintaining trust and ensuring AI systems operate within ethical and legal boundaries.
Validation. Explainable AI facilitates the demonstration that models have been thoroughly tested and validated to perform as intended across diverse scenarios.
Bias mitigation. Explainability allows for the identification and mitigation of biased decision-making patterns, ensuring models do not unfairly disadvantage any particular group.

As AI continues to evolve, the emphasis on explainability will continue to be a critical aspect of regulatory frameworks, ensuring these advanced technologies are used responsibly and effectively in healthcare.

Q. And where do ethical standards come in with regard to explainability?

A. Ethical standards play a fundamental role in the development and deployment of responsible AI systems, particularly in sensitive and high-stakes fields such as healthcare. Explainability is inherently tied to these ethical standards, ensuring AI systems operate transparently, fairly and responsibly, aligning with core ethical principles in healthcare.

Responsible AI means operating within ethical boundaries. The push for advanced explainability in AI enhances trust and reliability, ensuring AI decisions are transparent, justifiable and ultimately beneficial to patient care. Ethical standards guide the responsible disclosure of information, protecting user privacy, upholding regulatory requirements like HIPAA and encouraging public trust in AI systems.

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Source : Healthcare IT News

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