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Ciba Health uses wearables and analytics to get to the root cause of type 2 diabetes

by News7

The U.S. healthcare system can treat patients in a formulaic, one-size-fits-all manner. These methods of patient care, some experts contend, are ineffective and costly, and often lead to poor health outcomes due to neglecting a patient’s individualized needs, specifically when it comes to chronic conditions.


“Patients with chronic conditions have a deep medical history and have likely seen many different providers who all tried different treatments,” said Dr. Innocent Clement, CEO and founder of Ciba Health, which offers a comprehensive, holistic approach to patient care on a mission to address the root cause of type 2 diabetes in each patient it serves in order to improve their overall health.

“No two patients with type 2 diabetes are the same and they should be treated as such,” he explained. “Failing to probe and conduct research into every patient’s unique biochemistry, genetic makeup and family history leaves valuable information on the table that can help providers better assess and treat a patient.”

Additionally, the segmented treatment process in today’s system of sending patients between various primary and specialist providers causes information to get lost and each provider to not have the full picture, he noted. These issues can prove detrimental to patient health outcomes and eventually lead to complications, costly provider/pharmacy visits and high hospitalization rates, he added.

“Annually, direct healthcare costs for a patient with chronic disease average $6,032, approximately five times that of a person without a chronic disease,” Clement said. “The pre-existing, one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective in treating chronic conditions like type 2 diabetes because it fails to get to the root cause of disease in each individual patient.

“Instead, this method merely treats symptoms often through expensive medications that serve as a band-aid to a larger underlying issue, making patients walk through the revolving door of pharmacies, hospitals and providers because the root cause of a patient’s condition is not fully addressed, if at all,” he continued.

Ciba Health uses technologies that aim to address these issues by providing a more effective, patient-centered and data-driven approach to type 2 diabetes management by leveraging wearable technology, conducting extremely thorough lab tests and setting each patient up with their own personal team of health experts, based on their health needs, he added.


At Ciba Health, each patient is matched with a provider team, which includes one-to-one visits with a certified health coach, board certified physician, mental health caregiver and registered dietician to provide them with experts who can empower them and provide personal recommendations to help them achieve their health goals.

“In addition to this, we knew providing patients access to real-time data and analytics was imperative in order to give them a full holistic view of their health,” Clement explained. “For patients with diabetes, the value of real-time insights regarding your health cannot be overstated. Traditional methods of blood glucose monitoring can’t provide type 2 diabetes patients with constant, real-time data to help them make informed decisions every minute of the day.

“Helping patients understand and get a full picture of their conditions to treat the root causes with accessibility, transparency, convenience and comfort is the priority,” he continued. “The real-time analytics provided by wearables such as fitness trackers make it easier for patients to understand their own health picture as well as support the care team to make more informed decisions for each patient’s treatment, enabling them to take proactive and preventative measures as needed.”

With all of this in mind, Ciba Health created its type 2 Diabetes Reversal Program with the goal of improving treatment outcomes, reducing hospitalizations and complications, and enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals living with type 2 diabetes.


Ciba Health provides a patient-centered, data-driven platform for healthcare providers, patients and caregivers.

“For example, traditional lab tests only test for 50 markers, while Ciba Health’s questionnaire and easy clinical tests identify more than 300 lab markers that can influence any given patient’s health condition,” Clement said. “In addition, we provide each patient with wearables, mobile apps and advanced analytics to track patient health data and generate personalized recommendations.

“We equip each patient with Fitbits and sleep trackers that are not normally offered in the healthcare market to help them gain a better understanding of their unique conditions so they can learn how to treat them,” he added.

Too often, patients are only clued into an ongoing health situation until it’s too late or once they are already at the doctor’s office for a visit. Wearables allow patients to consistently monitor their health and make informed changes to their lifestyle.

“However, we recognize the onus of improving health outcomes doesn’t fall solely on the patient; so for this reason, Ciba Health also facilitates communication and coordination among all of its stakeholders, including patients, providers and employers to prevent or catch potential conditions early,” Clement explained.

“Once our patients are matched with their provider team, they take 45- to 60-minute one-to-one visits with their health coach, physician and dietician,” he continued. “These in-depth sessions give them enough time to ask questions, be heard and design a personalized roadmap to achieve their desired health goals.”

Recognizing the patient as an individual with their own subset of health factors and using Ciba Health’s whole-person approach has helped the healthcare organization to drastically improve health outcomes.

“The impact of root-cause medicine extends beyond individual patients, as it reduces costs, improves outcomes and shifts the focus from reactive sick care to proactive health promotion,” Clement said. “Our root-cause approach also reduces hospital visits, empowering patients to take control of their health journey alongside a caring team of expert health professionals.

“By leveraging these technologies, Ciba Health’s platform transformed type 2 diabetes management into diabetes reversal, improving patient lives and reducing healthcare costs,” he continued. “Ciba Health is currently integrated with existing electronic health records using our open API and pharmacy systems, including Epic, Cerner, McKesson and Omnicell.”


Ciba Health’s technology has achieved significant results in diabetes reversal from diabetes management, Clement reported, including:

25% reduction in hospitalizations. Real-time analytics and AI-driven insights enabled proactive measures to prevent hospitalizations, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs. This metric showcases the effectiveness of Ciba Health’s real-time data analytics capabilities. Through wearable technologies and constant health monitoring, we’re able to provide patients and physicians with insights that facilitate early intervention and preventive measures for potential chronic conditions.
30% improvement in medication adherence. Personalized reminders and alerts ensured patients took type 2 diabetes medications on time, while analytics identified patients at risk of non-adherence, enabling early intervention. By leveraging analytics and alerts, the platform helps patients adhere to their medication regimens more effectively, leading to better health outcomes and potentially reducing the need for frequent hospitalizations or complications due to non-adherence.
40% reduction in healthcare costs. Preventing hospitalizations, reducing complications and optimizing treatment plans all help to minimize unnecessary medical expenses, benefiting patients and the healthcare system. This underscores the broader impact of Ciba Health’s holistic approach, leveraging various technologies to reduce the healthcare costs of its patients.
98% chronic disease reversal. The Type 2 Diabetes Reversal program resulted in a 98% chronic disease reversal (HbA1C levels below 5.4 over 12 months from baseline of 6.5 HbA1C and above). By treating diabetes at the cause instead of merely mitigating symptoms, Ciba Health’s methods prove to resolve previously chronic conditions and help patients restore a new normal.
85% medication reduction. 85% of patients who complete the Ciba Health Type 2 Diabetes Reversal program see medication use reduction over 12 months as compared to baseline. This reduction in medication dependency reflects the program’s effectiveness in treating the root issue and reducing the amount of daily symptom management required to manage specific conditions.
30 pounds average sustained weight loss over 12 months. This demonstrates the program’s impact on weight management among participants, signifying the effectiveness in supporting long-term lifestyle changes and promoting sustainable weight loss outcomes.


When considering similar technology, healthcare provider organizations should define clear goals and objectives, Clement advised.

“These will provide a structured path and timeline for achieving successful implementation and utilization of any healthcare technology,” he said. “Without a clear objective or goal, there will be a sense of vagueness regarding the purpose of adopting the technology. This lack of clarity can lead to confusion among stakeholders, hindering coordination, which will slow the adoption process down.”

Organizations also should assess current workflows to identify areas for improvement, he added.

“In any business, but especially in healthcare where lives are at stake, it’s imperative to consistently analyze, critique and identify areas for enhancement,” he stated. “Conducting a thorough assessment of existing workflows enables healthcare organizations to pinpoint inefficiencies, complexities and areas of potential risk.

“By reflecting and critiquing current processes and operations, organizations can uncover opportunities to streamline operations, enhance patient experiences and optimize their resources efficiently with more informed decision making,” he added.

On another front, organizations should prioritize data integration and interoperability with existing systems, Clement advised.

“Prioritizing data integration and interoperability with existing systems is paramount for achieving better efficiency and outcomes,” he said. “Leveraging and integrating health data streamlines the treatment processes and can improve patient outcomes because providers can make more informed decisions.”

And finally, organizations should implement effective change management and user adoption strategies, he said.

“The healthcare sector is complex and has an array of stakeholders, including clinicians, staff and patients,” he noted. “Introducing new technologies can disrupt established workflows and routines, leading to inefficiencies if not managed effectively.

“By prioritizing change management, organizations can proactively address potential barriers to adoption, such as concerns about workflow disruptions or unfamiliarity with the technology,” he concluded. “Successful user adoption ensures the technology is embraced and used to its fullest potential, ultimately leading to improved patient care, operational efficiency and organizational outcomes.”

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Healthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.

Source : Healthcare IT News

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