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HomeHealthScientific Report of 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Now Available Online

Scientific Report of 2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Now Available Online

by News7

U.S. Department of Agriculture


About FoodProviding a safety net for millions of Americans who are food-insecure and for developing and promoting dietary guidance based on scientific evidence.

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SNAP Emergency Allotments are Ending

Soon, many SNAP households will experience a change to their benefit amounts.

Tackle Foodborne Illness When Ordering Takeout or Delivered Foods

If left out too long, all foods can become a source of foodborne illness.

Cooking Meat: Is It Done Yet?

Only 55% of people use a food thermometer to verify if their food is safe to consume.

About Farming and RanchingWe maintain a safety net for America’s farmers, ranchers and growers that includes disaster assistance, crop insurance, access to credit and more.

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USDA Supports America’s HeroesThe U.S. Department of Agriculture is looking to military veterans across the country to fill the roles that keep America’s food supply safe and secure, preserve and strengthen rural communities, and restore and conserve the environment.

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About ForestryForestry is the science and practice of establishing, managing, using, and conserving forests and related resources to meet goals, needs, and values.

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Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool

Learn about USDA disaster assistance programs that might be right for you by completing five simple steps.

About SustainabilitySustainable agricultural productivity growth is a foundational element in building more sustainable agricultural and food systems.

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Definitions: Sustainability and Food Systems

Most incorporate the notion that true sustainability must balance economic, social and environmental dimensions.

Climate Change Adaptation and USDA

Producers, ranchers, forest landowners, and communities across the country are facing challenges posed by the effects of climate

About Trade and MarketsIn a global marketplace, supply and demand in one area of the world can greatly impact the agricultural production in another.

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About USDAWe keep America’s farmers and ranchers in business and ensure the nation’s meat, poultry, and egg products are safe, wholesome, and properly labeled.

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Source : USDA

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