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HomeNewsat least 15 dead during a giant pilgrimage

at least 15 dead during a giant pilgrimage

by News7
at least 15 dead during a giant pilgrimage

At least 15 people were killed on Wednesday January 29 in Prayagraj, in northern India, during a jostling during the giant Hindu pilgrimage of the Kumbh Mela. Organized every twelve years, this rally brings together tens of millions of faithful from all over the country and abroad to immerse themselves in the confluence of the Ganges river and the Yamuna river, both sacred. According to the testimonies collected by the France-Presse agency, the accident occurred in the middle of the night, while the crowd was heading for the banks of the two rivers. The Kumbh Mela has already been the scene of murderous jostles in the past. In 1954, more than 400 people died there, trampled or drowned, in a single day. During its previous edition, in 2013, the festival had been bereaved by the death of 36 people. The Kumbh Mela of 2025 has been the subject of an intense promotion on the part of the government of the ultra -nationalist Hindu Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Scheduled from January 13 to February 26, this edition was presented as that of all records. The authorities have announced more than 400 million participants, which would make it the greatest gathering of all time. Video service of the world The space of contributions is reserved for subscribers. Subscribe to access this exchange space and contribute to the discussion. Subscribe to contribute to reuse this content

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