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HomeNewsForeign tourists go less to India, too polluted, too expensive and too dangerous for women

Foreign tourists go less to India, too polluted, too expensive and too dangerous for women

by News7
Foreign tourists go less to India, too polluted, too expensive and too dangerous for women

Tourists visit the Jama Masjid mosque in the middle of a thick fog, in the old districts of Delhi, November 18, 2024. Sajjad Hussain / AFP Le Taj Mahal, mausoleum of white marble considered as one of the seven wonders of the modern world , the temples of Khajuraho, famous for their erotic sculptures carved in stone or the churches of Goa … India has some 43 sites registered on the list of World Heritage of Humanity of the United Nations Organization for the education, science and culture, and conceals many other jewels. However, the country is struggling to attract foreign tourists. According to official figures, only 9.52 million tourists went to India in 2023, where France welcomed more than 100 million and Thailand, 28 million. “We have of course resumed business, but the activity remains 15 % below the prepaandemic levels,” confirms Rajiv Mehra, president of the Indian tourist association. While many Asian countries are redoubled with efforts to attract foreign travelers, India does not invest in international tourism. The budget allocated to its promotion increased from 11 million to 3.6 million euros between 2023 and 2024, a reduction of 67 %. You have 75.43% of this article to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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