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Health professionals alert to “social female” in progress in the country

by News7
Health professionals alert to "social female" in progress in the country

This January 20, the snow mixed with rain has not discouraged dozens of Afghans to go, often from all of Afghanistan, to the French hospital in Kabul. At the pavilion of the chain of hope, the international non -governmental organization (NGO) which watches over this establishment specializing in the reception of children and mothers, there are so many, so many, to wait. Care is free and the hospital is a reference throughout the country, the only one to practice operations with open hearts and to do neonatal resuscitation. In the corridors, we also see the agents of the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. They ensure the strict separation of men and women, among patients and staff, and respect for Islamic law. Under their pressure, at the main entrance, the direction had to hide the immense fresco with a white tarpaulin showing a woman holding a child in her arms. Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers in Afghanistan, the resistance of women under the Taliban order: “Every day, my 12 -year -old daughter gets angry when she sees her brothers go to school” read later “The Afflux Patients increases, it is a tsunami, confirms Eric Cheysson, president of the chain of hope and co -founder of doctors of the world. The international Red Cross gradually withdrew from the country. Doctors Without Borders [MSF] gives us more and more cases. The anti -emime policy of the Taliban dries up the country with female health personnel and medical centers close one after the other. The hospital is not spared. First of all by brain flight: out of nine resuscitators, eight left and two Afghan surgeons preferred to work in the United States. But especially by the lack of women: “Of the 280 identified among our 960 employees, 156 left the establishment. It is a nightmare “, loose, Mr. Cheysson for whom Afghanistan is the victim” of social female “. You have 81.95% of this article to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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