Fatima Movlamli, independent journalist in Baku targets a bishing. The world two Azerbaijani journalists were arrested on February 5 in Bakou, as part of a campaign to attack the independent media which began in November 2023. A sort of petromonarchy with 9 million inhabitants, Azerbaijan is directed Without sharing, since 2003, by Ilham Aliev, himself installed in power by his father, a former cacique of the KGB. Targets of many journalistic surveys documenting his nepotism, Mr. Aliev intends to establish total control over the media landscape of his country. Early in the morning of February 5, a uniform police officer and several men wearing black masks showed up at the home of independent journalist Shamshad Aghayev, editor -in -chief of the Argument media. According to his brother Shahid Aghayev, the journalist was arrested and his home was then searched. Lawyer Shahla Humbatova, specializing in the defense of human rights, specifies that his client Mr. Aghayev is accused of smuggling. You have 80.69% of this article to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.
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