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in Gujarat, India, America as the only horizon

by News7
in Gujarat, India, America as the only horizon

A migrant couple, from Gujarat, India, waits to be apprehended by Customs and Border Protection officers after crossing the U.S. border, in Ruby, Arizona, June 25, 2024. BRANDON BELL / GETTY IMAGES VIA AFP The old man wears the mask of suffering, no sound comes from his mouth. With a sign of his hand, he signifies his powerlessness to speak. Baldev Bhai Patel had not known anything about his son’s plans. He found out about everything in the media. On January 19, 2022, Jagdish, 39, his wife and two children, 3 years old and 11 years old, were found frozen to death in the province of Manitoba, near the Canadian-American border, while they were trying to − 35°C to reach the United States. They had left from the family village of Dingucha, located an hour from Ahmedabad, the main city of Gujarat, in northwest India. The family is not poor, but in this region, although praised by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, as an economic model and of which it was the stronghold, there is a shortage of work, particularly for graduates. “Everyone wants to leave, there is no work or money,” assures Vishnubhai Harjivandas, a neighbor, 49 years old, owner of a photocopy shop in Ahmedabad. “Here,” he continues, “the Patels, the dominant caste, own land, but the children no longer want to invest in agriculture which is too unprofitable, so the parents sell their property to pay for the trip. [aux Etats-Unis] of their sons. » You have 88.64% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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