The heroines of the film “Her Story”, Jia Song (left), as Wang Tiemei, and Elane Zhong Chuxi, who plays Xiao Ye. TIGER PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT Feminism and patriarchy, consent and sexual violence, homosexuality and gender norms, journalism and censorship: all these social subjects, usually described as “sensitive” in China, are at the heart of heart of the comedy of the moment. Released on November 22, Her Story, whose Chinese title means “good things”, directed by Shao Yihui, met with great popular success – it is currently second at the Chinese box office – while assuming an unusually engaged tone. In the historic center of Shanghai, the camera follows Wang Tiemei, an investigative journalist who abandoned her investigative career to devote herself to commercial publications. A divorced mother, she juggles between her work and her 9-year-old daughter, Molly, who is struggling to assert herself. One evening, Wang Tiemei intervenes to protect a woman followed in the street by a stranger. They discover that they are neighbors. Xiao Ye, a slightly alcoholic singer and noisemaker, enters their lives by chance. They will help each other and put men in their place, with a humor reminiscent of Woody Allen. You have 78.96% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.
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In China, the comedy that dares feminism