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HomeNewsNGOs fear the return to China of 48 Uighur refugees detained in Thailand

NGOs fear the return to China of 48 Uighur refugees detained in Thailand

by News7
NGOs fear the return to China of 48 Uighur refugees detained in Thailand

Uighur detainees sit in an immigration detention center in Bangkok, Thailand, in February 2024. ANONYMOUS / AP Signs of an imminent transfer to China of 48 Uighurs detained for more than a decade in centers immigration to Bangkok alarms activists for the cause of this people, persecuted in China, and human rights non-governmental organizations (NGOs). “We learned from our sources that the decision to send them back has been taken,” confided to Le Monde in Bangkok, Monday January 20, Rushan Abbas, president of the executive committee of the World Uighur Congress (WUC), the political organization of the pro-democratic Uighur diaspora in the West, headquartered in Washington. Arriving urgently in Bangkok from Tokyo on Sunday January 19, Ms. Abbas argues that the Thai authorities are turning a deaf ear to their requests for information. In recent weeks, they have sought to have the 48 Uighurs in detention fill out new forms and photographed them. “We know that the cell where the Uighurs are being held has been emptied of its other occupants. Four vans took their fellow prisoners to other locations on Sunday evening, which leads us to say that the transfer is imminent,” she continues. An internal source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand confided on Monday that he could “neither confirm nor deny” the information at this stage. You have 79.47% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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