EMMANUEL PIERROT FOR “LE MONDE” Journalists and correspondents from Le Monde tell the story, from one country to another, from one continent to another, with what alcohol, and following what tradition, residents celebrate the transition to the new year. In Russia, when the vodka glasses are empty, the local champagne flows freely. After the vodka, the champagne! Whatever the political context, war or not, whatever the economic circumstances, crisis or not, the Russians pop the champagne on December 31 at midnight. To saber the bottle, they wait for the twelve chimes sounded by the immense Kremlin clock, invariably broadcast by television just after the speech and wishes of the president, Vladimir Putin. On the festive table, around the multiple zakouskis, the vodka glasses are empty. The sacrosanct drink of the Russians accompanied the New Year’s Eve meal all evening and will continue to punctuate the immutable toasts of the night. But for the transition to the new year, a holiday celebrated at home because it also serves as a Christmas party, the bubbles of champagne – Russian, not French – dominate. With family, in town or at the dacha. Also on television where, the highlight of the festivities, pre-recorded programs show celebrities kissing each other with their cups in their hands. You have 93.56% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.
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What alcohol to celebrate the New Year abroad?