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HomeNewsWith the return of Donald Trump, the world turns the page on decades of free trade

With the return of Donald Trump, the world turns the page on decades of free trade

by News7
With the return of Donald Trump, the world turns the page on decades of free trade

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping during a G20 leaders’ summit in Osaka (Japan), June 29, 2019. KEVIN LAMARQUE / REUTERS A fig. It was by brandishing the juicy fruit, supposedly fresh from Carthage, that Cato the Elder through his eloquence exhorted his fellow senators, around 150 BC, to destroy the Punic capital. He always punctuated his speeches, whatever the subject, with a vibrant “Delenda Carthago” (“We must destroy Carthage”). An enemy who bothered Rome with its territorial claim and its commercial power, flooding the Peninsula with its agricultural products, coming from Tunisia.

Is Donald Trump, much less cultured, the reincarnation of the ancient Roman consul? He too can no longer support the economic and military threat of the enemy, now Chinese. He will perhaps prove it upon his enthronement, Monday January 20, by urgently endorsing a project to massively increase customs taxes on all foreign products, particularly Chinese. It was already he who launched the first offensive, during his previous mandate, in 2017. But he is no longer the only one. The fight against China is even one of the very rare subjects of unanimity in the American political class. You have 94.68% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.

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