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HomeHealthThe ADHD Drug Shortage Could Get Even Worse Thanks to One Telehealth Company

The ADHD Drug Shortage Could Get Even Worse Thanks to One Telehealth Company

by News7

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you may have had a hard time getting your medications refilled because of drug shortages that date back to 2022—which are still ongoing, BTW.

But now a federal health care fraud case against Done Global Inc., a California-based digital health company that calls itself a “hybrid ADHD clinic,” could make it even harder for up to 50,000 adults across the US, according to a CDC health advisory released last week. (The agency also said that people who use “other similar subscription-based telehealth platforms could experience a disruption to their treatment,” although it’s not clear what companies they are talking about or how many more people might be affected.)

According to the US Department of Justice, the company allegedly took advantage of telemedicine rules put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic to push its medical providers to prescribe Adderall and other stimulant drugs, even when they weren’t medically necessary, and spent millions of dollars on “deceptive” social media advertising. In a press release, attorney general Merrick B. Garland said it carried out “a $100 million scheme to defraud taxpayers and provide easy access to Adderall and other stimulants for no legitimate medical purpose.” The federal agency says Done continued to do so even after it learned that some members had overdosed and died. (The founder and the clinical president of Done were both arrested last week and were expected to respond to the fraud charges.)

This case, the CDC says, could mean people who were using Done “experience a disruption to their treatment and disrupted access to care.”

“The impact on the telehealth company’s patients is unknown at this time,” according to the CDC statement. “However, some or all patients who have been accessing treatment or prescriptions for ADHD through the telehealth company might find they need to or want to find a new health care provider.” (Done Global Inc. did not respond to SELF’s request for comment by the time of publication and one phone number listed for the company seems to no longer be in service.)

Experts are concerned that the longer people are forced to push through their ADHD symptoms, the more inclined they may be to go outside the health care system for their much-needed medication. And this, the CDC says, can get dangerous really quickly.

Although pills found on the black market often look legitimate, they might contain other substances that can increase risk of injury and overdose. In fact, lab testing shows that 7 out of every 10 pills seized by the Drug Enforcement Administration contain a deadly dose of illegally made fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that’s up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.

“Given the national drug overdose crisis and threats associated with the illegal drug market, individuals struggling to access prescription stimulant medications are urged to avoid using medication obtained from anyone other than a licensed clinician and licensed pharmacy,” the CDC says.

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