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Home Technology Opinion: Tech can’t cure the loneliness it causes

Opinion: Tech can’t cure the loneliness it causes

by News7

Technology is often accused of causing loneliness. The US Surgeon General recently warned that tech can deepen isolation, increase fear of missing out, and reduce social interaction. Surveys frequently show that isolation among young people surges when their social media use grows.

But what could possibly solve these problems caused by tech? Why, more tech of course!

It’s a common response from (who else?) technologists, who have a remarkable variety of marketable solutions. From interactive streaming and online gaming to AI lovers and virtual friends, our generous tech lords offer countless alternatives to in-person interaction. Unfortunately, the cure is often worse than the disease.

“Those who are substituting online relationships for real relationships, unsurprisingly, don’t see a reduction in loneliness and in fact may actually see a deterioration relative to people who use online interactions to supplement their face-to-face relationships,” Louise Hawkley, an expert on isolation, told the American Psychological Association.

Source : The Next Web

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